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Energy Efficiency

A computer left on 24/7 will cost around £25 a year, but if switched OFF at night, weekends and at holiday times, this can be reduced to around £7 a year.

Climate Change Levy (CCL)

Energy Efficiency

A computer left on 24/7 will cost around £25 a year, but if switched OFF at night, weekends and at holiday times, this can be reduced to around £7 a year.

Conversion Factors

Using the conversion factors to change an imperial measurement to metric or visa-versa

To convert to metric, multiply by the factor shown.

To convert from metric divide by the factor.

miles : kilometres 1.6093
yards : metres 0.9144
feet : metres 0.3048
inches : millimetres 25.4
inches : centimetres 2.54

square miles : square kilometres 2.59
square miles : hectares 258.999
acres : square metres 4046.86
acres : hectares 0.4047
square yards : square metres 0.8361
square feet : square metres 0.0929
square feet : square centimetres 929.03
square inches : square millimetres 645.16
square inches : square centimetres 6.4516

cubic yards : cubic metres 0.7646
cubic feet : cubic metres 0.0283
cubic inches : cubic centimetres 16.3871

gallons : litres 4.546
US gallons : litres 3.785
quarts : litres 1.137
pints : litres 0.568
gills : litres 0.142

miles per hour : kilometres per hour 1.6093
feet per second : metres per second 0.3048

tons : kilograms 1016.05
tons : tonnes 1.016
hundredweights : kilograms 50.8023
quarters : kilograms 12.7006
stones : kilograms 6.3503
pounds : kilograms 0.4536
ounces : grams 28.3495

Fuel Consumption
gallons per mile : litres per kilometre 2.825
miles per gallon : kilometres per litre 0.354

Temperature Conversion °F/°C
Centigrade (°C) : Fahrenheit (°F) 1.8(°C+32)
Fahrenheit (°F) : Centigrade (°C) 0.5556(°F-32)